Thursday, July 13, 2017
Posted by: Courtney Duggan

Pittsburgh Nurse Receives the March of Dimes Dr. Margaret Comerford Freda
“Saving Babies, Together®” Award

—Dr. Kelly Baumgartel Accepts the AWHONN-March of Dimes Grant —

The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) today presented the March of Dimes Dr. Margaret Comerford Freda “Saving Babies, Together®” Award to Kelley Baumgartel, PhD, RN, for her study entitled, “The Sleep Experience of Mothers with Hospitalized Preterm Infants and Subsequent Breast Milk Volumes.” Dr. Baumgartel’s research illustrates the unique sleep experience of NICU mothers, and examines if maternal sleep influences subsequent breast milk volumes. The award was presented at AWHONN’s annual convention in New Orleans, LA.

The March of Dimes Dr. Margaret Comerford Freda “Saving Babies, Together®” Award is presented annually to an experienced investigator whose research reflects the common commitment of the March of Dimes and AWHONN’s mission to promote the health of women and newborns. The award is supported through an educational grant from the March of Dimes and is named for long-time AWHONN member and nurse researcher, Dr. Margaret Comerford Freda. Dr. Freda was the first and long-time chairperson of the March of Dimes Nurse Advisory Council.

“Dr. Baumgartel’s research is critical to improving the practices of nurses caring for mothers with preterm infants,” said AWHONN’s Chief Executive Officer, Lynn Erdman, MN, RN, FAAN. “Her important work will help advance breast milk composition and its impact on neonatal outcomes.”

Dr. Baumgartel is a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh.  Her clinical experience is in perinatal care. She received a Post Doctorate in Postpartum Sleep and Milk Microbiomics from the University of Pittsburgh, her PhD in Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh, and her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research efforts are focused on how modifiable maternal factors may optimize breast milk immunobiology for preterm infants. She is on the Board of Directors of the Three Rivers Mother’s Milk Bank.

For media interviews, contact:
Mary Elizabeth Elkordy for AWHONN


Since 1969, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) has been the foremost authority  promoting the health of women and newborns and strengthening the nursing profession through the delivery of superior advocacy, research, education, and other professional and clinical resources.  AWHONN represents the interests of 350,000 registered nurses working in women’s health, obstetric, and neonatal nursing across the United States.  Learn more about AWHONN at

About March of Dimes
The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. For more than 75 years, moms and babies have benefited from March of Dimes research, education, vaccines, and breakthroughs. For the latest resources and health information, visit and You can also find the March of Dimes on Facebook or follow on Twitter.