ANA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recently partnered with 20 nursing specialty organizations, including AWHONN, to develop the Nursing Infection Control Education Network (NICE Network). The NICE network seeks to empower nurses to protect themselves and their patients by providing real time infection prevention and control training to U.S. nurses. The goal of the training programs developed through the NICE Network is to improve adherence to infection prevention and control practices and enhance the confidence of nurses to care for patients with Ebola and other highly contagious diseases.

Free Continuing Education Opportunity in Infection Prevention and Control: Exploring Best Practices in Injection Safety

CDC, the American Nurses Association, and the NICE Network invite you to register now for a free webinar with continuing education on Thursday, 02/22 at 1 PM EST. This webinar will address some of the more common issues related to safe injection practices. Click here to register

CDC Publishes Summary of HAI Prevention Progress in U.S. from 2006-2016

To help each state better understand its progress in healthcare-associated infection (HAI) prevention and identify areas that need assistance, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes HAI Progress Reports. Improvement of healthcare quality and the reduction of HAIs in U.S. hospitals has been significant and as a result, healthcare in the U.S. is safer now than even 10 years ago. Building upon this success and continuing towards the elimination of HAIs is critical.


Assess Your Readiness for the Next Outbreak: SHEA/CDC Outbreak Response Training Program (ORTP)

Two new outbreak response online simulation modules. Choose your own healthcare epi adventure! Feedback, resources, and more – online at no charge. Learn More.


Infection Prevention and Control Infographic developed by the Emergency Nurses Association


Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection, including those caused by drug-resistant bacteria. It is life-threatening, and without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly cause tissue damage, organ failure, and death. It happens when an infection you already have – in your skin, lungs, urinary tract or somewhere else – triggers a chain reaction throughout your body.To learn more about preventing infections that can lead to sepsis, visit